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⚠ — All photographs in the following sections have been sourced from public internet sources. Therefore, copyright and intellectual property rights remain with the respective photographers and rights holders. If you are the photographer or rights holder of any of the images here and would like to request credit or have the image removed from the gallery, please contact us,

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Subway & walls from the Seventies 

Curato da Maurizio "What" D'Apollo
Prefazione di Rae Martini
Formato 24 × 30 cm
410 pagine
Oltre 200 foto
Edizione inglese/italiano
Prima edizione settembre 2023


29.4.2023 — Bologna

Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna — More PUBLIC Less PROGRAM di Fabiola Naldi.  

29.4.2023 — Bologna

Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna — More PUBLIC Less PROGRAM di Fabiola Naldi.  

©2023.All rights reserved — See you in NeoTokyo™

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